Itenas was founded by the Dayang Sumbi Educational Foundation. Itenas was originally an academy established on December 14, 1972 under the name of the Akademi Teknologi Nasional (ATENAS). In 1984 Atenas changed into Itenas and up until now Itenas continues to grow as one of the best private institutions at both national and international levels. In 2022, Itenas is accredited OUTSTANDING by BAN PT. Itenas is ranked 100 of Universities in South East Asia by QS AUR 2025.

Located on Jl. PH. H. Mustofa No. 23, Bandung – Indonesia

5.5 Hectares Campus Area.
21 Buildings.

7093 Active Students

234 Professional Lectures

23.061 Graduates

3 Master Program
14 Program Undergraduate