Darmasiswa - BIPA Program
Darmasiswa scholarship is a scholarship offered to international students coming from countries that have diplomatic relations with Indonesia to study Indonesian language and culture. This scholarship is organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 2016, Itenas becomes one of universities that host the Darmasiswa scholarship program. In Itenas, Darmasiswa scholarship grantees will be focused to study Indonesian language for speakers of other languages, known as Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA). In the same time Darmasiswa scholarship grantees will be involved in Sundanese cultural events (such as Sundanese dances and music esp. angklung). Here detail information Darmasiswa-BIPA Program at Itenas.

For further information and how to apply this scholarship, please access the official website of Darmasiswa: http://darmasiswa.kemdikbud.go.id/
Regular Program
Itenas is located in a very convenient location in Bandung, the capital of West Java. It has 22 buildings with three or four storeys. They include 19 studios and 28 laboratories as the practicum facilities. Other supporting facilities include the central library, digital library, intranet and free WIFI, café, bank, health center (Poliklinik), sport facilities (tennis, basketball, badminton, and volleyball), and Student Activities Center. The Student Activities Center is the building to facilitate the student organizations to run their activities in Itenas. Students from all over the world are eligible for Itenas Reguler Program. For further detail for the programs, kindly contact access https://international-student.itenas.ac.id/