Student Center ITENAS Bandung
About Itenas
Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS) was established in 1972 as the Akademi Teknologi Nasional (AATENASs) and Itenas name changed in 1984. The institute was founded by the Dayang Sumbi Educational Foundation with R. Mansoer Wiratmadja Ir. as first rector. Itenas is specialising in technology, art and design and consists of three different faculties for study and research.
Within the three faculties degree program are offered variety of subjects ranging from electrical, mechanical, industrial, chemical, civil, geomatics, and environmental engineering, technology and system of information, architecture, urban and regional planning, as well as interior, product, and visual communication designs. Program are available at level undergraduate, and master for mechanical, industrial, and civil engineering.
About Bandung

Itenas is located in a very convenient location in Bandung, the capital of West Java. Bandung is the biggest metropolitan city as well as the capital city of West Java. Many historical events occurred in Bandung, one of them is the first Asia-African conference in April 1955. The conference participants are from twenty-nine countries, the countries are represented nearly one-quarter of the Earth’s land surface and a total population of 1.5 billion people, roughly 54% of the Earth’s population at the time.Most people live surrounding province of West Java are Sundanese.
Sundanese language is usually spoken as the first language and is commonly used as informal language for communication. Meanwhile, Indonesia national language, bahasa, is the official language and the language of government, businesses, and instruction at schools. Bandung is a popular weekend destination for residents of the capital city, Jakarta.
The cooler climate of the highland plantation area, the varieties of food, the cheaper fashion shops located in factory outlets and distros, golf courses, and the zoo, are some of the attractions of the city. Bandung is also a popular shopping destination due to cheap textile and fashion products. These make Bandung one of the tourists’ heavens in Indonesia.
About KUI
International Office (IO) Itenas is also called Kantor Urusan Internasional (KUI) in bahasa. IO-Itenas is placed in a subdivision under the Bureau of Planning, Collaboration, and Promotion (BPKP). IO-Itenas is central office for communication, facilitation, cooperation, evaluation which relate to international tasks and relations beside collaborations with foreign countries. In regards with matters aforementioned, our IO can break down the jobs into these following activities:
- Introducing our university to international institutions/universities/students by participating in international events, contacting and corresponding with prospectus parties, managing our website and social media;
- Maintaining and developing international cooperation with our partner universities and institutions abroad;
- Initiating and activating MoU with our international partner universities and institutions;
- Spreading information on available international scholarship for Indonesian student’s/faculty members and International students;
- Organizing and/or supporting various international events and activities held at Itenas such as: University Network’s Events/Meetings, Guest lectures, Joint workshop/seminar/conference with International Academic Institutions, and Assisting admissions, permits, insurance for international students at Itenas.

Head of Cooperation and International Affairs
: Levita Dwinaya, S.S., M.Pd.
: Bayun Alif Marchvita A.Md.A.P.
Contact Us
Our Location
Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS) Rectorat Building 1st floor
Jl. PHH. Mustafa No. 23, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 40124
Phone: +62 22 7272215, Fax +62 22 7202892
humas[at]itenas.ac.id, http://www.itenas.ac.id
Assisting admissions, permits, insurance for international students at ITENAS.