Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) has undergraduate and master’s program. The undergraduate consists six program studies and they are Electrical, Mechanical, Industrial, Chemical, and Informatics Engineering, also Information System. There are two master’s programs, which are Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.
For further information about our programs, please visit our university’s official website: https://www.itenas.ac.id/ under Academic, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI)
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning (FTSP) has five undergraduate programs and one master’s program. The undergraduate programs are Architecture, Civil, Geodetics, and Environmental Engineering, also Urban and Regional Planning. One master’s program is in Civil Engineering.
For further information about our programs, please visit our university’s official website: https://www.itenas.ac.id/ under Academic, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan (FTSP)
Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) has three undergraduate programs and they are Interior Design, Product Design, and Visual Communication Design. For further information about our programs, please visit our university’s official website: https://www.itenas.ac.id/ under Academic, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD)
Itenas follows National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi, BAN-PT). The BAN-PT is an independent agency and the only recognized accrediting agency by the Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia. Accreditation covers the evaluation of adequacy of a program and/or institution of higher education, also includes the amount of research work undertaken by lecturers, the quality of publications and the length of time taken for graduates to obtain employment. This evaluation is measured over 5 year intervals. BAN-PT can give the information to the public about status of study program in the institutions, thereby, the public believes about the quality of education offered and the quality of these university programs. These qualities of study programs can be maintained and improved.