International office Itenas held one-day Seminar with theme initiation of International Collaboration: Policies and Implementations. Three speakers gave presentation R. Purwanto Subroto, PhD (deputy director for higher education cooperation, The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Indonesia), Herman Felani, M.A. (representative of SEAMEO and UII-Yogyakarta), and Fatonah M.Pd. (representative of Erasmus+ and Head of International Relation Office Polman-Bandung). The seminar participants are from International Offices in Bandung, they are Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung (Polman), Politeknik Negeri Bandung (Polban), Galuh University (Ungal) Ciamis, Catholic Parahyangan University (Unpar), Maranatha Christian University, Telkom University (TelU), Widyatama University, and Institut Pendidikan Indonesia (IPI) Garut. The seminar discussed international activities, such as international collaboration, student mobility, transfer credit program, and summer course, also funding donor for these activities, Erasmus+ covers Europe countries and SEAMEO covers Southeast Asia countries.

Seminar on initiation of International Collaboration: Policies and Implementations