A memorandum of agreement (MOU) was signed on September 14 at Itenas campus, Bandung. The agreement will introduce belt and road infrastructure development training base. The officials participating from Itenas included Rector Dr. Imam Aschuri, Vice Rectors Dr. Dewi Kania Sari and Yuniar, MT. Representatives from GTVTC included President Dr. Cheng Lun, Director of International Dept. Prof. Mo Xiao Nong, Director of Construction Engineering Prof. Mo Pin Jiang, and Director of Construction Engineering Xie Jun, meanwhile Mr. Rui Huing is representation from CIIE. The agreement will develop collaboration between Dept. Construction Engineering GTVTC and Dept. Civil Engineering Itenas. This collaborative agreement can represent of how Itenas as higher education institutions will provide their students additional skill beside academics.

MoA signed between Itenas, Guangxi Transport Vocational & Technical College (GTVTC), and The Chinese Institute of International Education (CIIE)