For Itenas Students
Student Exchange
One Semester Exchange Program at Radboud University - Netherland
One Semester Exchange Program at Radboud University - Netherland One student Itenas from Environmental Engineering studied at University Radboud in Autumn semester academic year 2018/2019. The student is Yuana Nurita Umaran from class 2017. The program is funded by Erasmus+ program. Offered programs are in Autumn and Spring .
Continuing the program, in Spring Semester academic year 2017/2018 more Itenas students studied at Godollo-SZIU. This semester program was funded by European Union Commission using Erasmus+ program. Six Itenas students were studied at at Godollo-SZIU and they are M. Faiz Al Rasyid, M. Feisal G. Maulana, Syifa L. Zahida, Adhitantra K. F. Haerollah, and Sarah S. Ramdiani from industrial engineering, and one from mechanical engineering is Ikhsan F. Dewa
In Autumn semester academic year 2018/2017, four Itenas students studied at Godollo-SZIU. Two students are from industrial engineering, one from mechanical and informatics engineering. They are Utami Nurhasanah (2015), Arditya Ash Shidiq (2016), Aldira Febriansyah (2015), dan Muktiadi Akhmad Januar (2017). This semester scholarship funded by mixed from Dirjen Belmawa-KemenristekDikti and Erasmus+. Offered programs are in Autumn and Spring
Autumn term:
Nomination: 1 May
Application: 31 May
Spring term:
Nomination: 1 November
Application: 30 December
Further information contact: international.office@itenas.ac.id
One Semester Exchange Program at Szent Istvan University (SZIU) - Hungary
Itenas started the student exchange program at SZIU-Hungary in Fall Semester academic year 2017/2018. At that time three of Itenas students studied at Godollo-SZIU and it funded by Overseas Credit Transfer Program from Dirjen Belmawa-KemenristekDikti. The Itenas students are Novita Sari and Fortinov Akbar Irdam from mechanical engineering, and Mochamad Aji Rahadian Laksana from Industrial engineering.
Continuing the program, in Spring Semester academic year 2017/2018 more Itenas students studied at Godollo-SZIU. This semester program was funded by European Union Commission using Erasmus+ program. Six Itenas students were studied at at Godollo-SZIU and they are M. Faiz Al Rasyid, M. Feisal G. Maulana, Syifa L. Zahida, Adhitantra K. F. Haerollah, and Sarah S. Ramdiani from industrial engineering, and one from mechanical engineering is Ikhsan F. Dewa
In Autumn semester academic year 2018/2017, four Itenas students studied at Godollo-SZIU. Two students are from industrial engineering, one from mechanical and informatics engineering. They are Utami Nurhasanah (2015), Arditya Ash Shidiq (2016), Aldira Febriansyah (2015), dan Muktiadi Akhmad Januar (2017). This semester scholarship funded by mixed from Dirjen Belmawa-KemenristekDikti and Erasmus+. Offered programs are in Autumn and Spring
Autumn term:
Nomination: 31 May
Application: 15 June
Spring term:
Nomination: 15 November
Application: 01 December
Further information contact: Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) Itenas.
International Travel Documents
For Freshman
For Sophomore and Above
documents of Study Permit Extension, KITAS Extension, and Exit Permit Only (EPO)
For All Students
Passport and Visa